Until just a couple years ago, we were in the age of millennials - anyone who was born from 1981 to 1996. Recently, Gen Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, surpassed Boomers and Millennials in size. As of 2019, Gen Z makes up 32 per cent of the world’s 7.7+ billion population, making them the next powerful consumer force. Connecting with Gen Z is key to your brand success in today’s world! Here are our top three insights into marketing to this powerful generation:
1. Gen Z care about your brand’s values
This generation often chooses brands which aligns with their value set. It is essential to take the time to understand what Gen Z cares about and how you can incorporate it into your brand. Despite being more 'pessimistic' than their millennial counterparts, Gen Z seek to make purchasing decisions which are true to their value set, and are incredibly vocal when they feel a brand’s values do not align.
For instance:
66 per cent of young Canadians do not think the economic situation will improve in 2021
70 per cent of young Canadians do not think that the political and social situation will improve in 2021
75 per cent of young Canadians do not think that the environmental situation will improve in 2021
What does this mean for your brand?
If you want to win the loyalty of this growing population, see where you can match your brand’s initiatives and products to Gen Z’s value set. We recommend focusing on one or two problems this generation cares about, then work towards real, sustainable change.
2. Authenticity matters
We know, you’ve been hearing “authenticity matters” for years. But hear us out! You’ll need to allow for a little more creative freedom when working with this generation’s favourite influencers. It can be a little scary as a brand not having full control over influencer generated content, but trust us, Gen Z will know and are not afraid to show it when they feel content is overly curated.
3 of 4 people say TikTok is a place where they can openly express themselves.
61 per cent of TikTokers believe advertising is unique and different on TikTok compared to other top social and video platforms
When creating a TikTok ad, the following are the most desirable for a piece of content: relatable, aspirational, informative, and inspirational.
You’ll get the best bang for your buck by focusing on developing partnerships with influencers who align with your brand’s values, and focusing on producing authentic content where the influencer’s personalities compliment your brand. Need more convincing? Here is a fun example from our client DoorDash.
3. Build a community and loyal customers will follow
According to a study by Leger, 78 per cent of young Canadians say they have experienced at least one of the seven symptoms of depression. Brands that focus on building spaces where their communities can connect and flourish will develop a loyal customer base. Gen Z makes purchasing decisions based on emotional pulls towards brands that embody their values. More people are looking towards brands to step up and positively impact necessary change on varying social issues such as diversity and inclusion, poverty, climate change, and access to education. To meet the growing expectations of customers, brands should develop fully integrated plans focused on positively impacting the issues their target audience worries about.
For more insights on connecting with and marketing to Gen Z, check out the recording below of the latest ruckus Makers: How to market to and connect with Gen Z – featuring panelists:
Angela Nader, Manager, Beauty and Luxury Partnerships, TikTok
Lisa Covens, Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs, Leger
Kyla Doerig, Senior Manager, PR, Social Media & Creators, Inkbox Tattoos
Samantha and Madeline Caleon, The Caleon Twins, Content Creators
To learn more about how APEX PR or ruckus Digital can help build your brand or tell your brand story, hello@apexpr.com